Caring beyond Canada’s borders


Doing God’s work isn’t something any of us do alone. Partnerships are key.

And so it is with the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s International Ministries’ work. Rev. Dr. Glynis Williams – the Associate Secretary for International Ministries of the Life and Mission Agency – joins the Barrie Presbyterial Women’s Missionary Society March 5 on Zoom.


Along with Program Coordinator Lily Ko, Williams will share some highlights of the long-term work overseas that includes refugee support, assisting families in poorer countries such as Malawi and Taiwan and helping meet health care needs. The partnering of sharing Christ’s love is varied – and more details can be found online at

Inspiring details about some of International Missions staff can be found on their blogs, available at




The 10:30 a.m. presentation on March 5 will be followed by a question-and-answer session. Pre-registration is required; contact St. Andrew’s office at 705-728-3991.

One Comment

  1. Ruth Millar
    23 Feb 2022 21:10:22

    I heard Glynnis and Lily on the National WMS Zoom gathering in February and they were excellent.

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