It’s simple really: Love others and do good


With Valentine’s Day past us, thankfully, it’s time to talk about what love means.

It’s a decision to do good, to help others, to build relationships and make our corner of God’s world a better place for all of us.

Jesus showed us repeatedly how to love – making the choice that expresses compassion, care, forgiveness and hope.

Sometimes that’s easier said than done. But we don’t have to do it in our strength. God gives us the strength.

Just imagine what Joseph, in Genesis 45, could have done when he encountered his brothers who’d sold him into slavery. Rather than getting even, Joseph invited them and their families and flocks to live with him in Egypt to ride out many more years of famine.

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it has reminded us of of the uncertainty in our world and how we need to work together to survive.

Choose to break the cycle of hate and retaliation.


It is really simple, isn’t it. Trust in the Lord and do good. Love your neighbour.

Tune into our service at, “It’s a hard pill to swallow”  – sure enough forgiving someone or not pursuing payback and instead showing love – it can be tough. But God is with us. Choose to show love.