It matters. Because it matters to Jesus. And to His disciples, including Peter, who shares the good news of Jesus’ saving love and power with the Gentiles, a group that the religious establishment didn’t exactly embrace.
Jesus’ commandment is a simple one – or so it might seem upon first reading. Love one another as I have loved you.
Stop there. “As I have loved you.”
Jesus lived, died and rose again for each of us. Incredible, all-embracing and self-sacrificing love.
He did this for you and for me, for all of us.
Where we come from doesn’t matter. What our struggles are isn’t the issue. What matters is that we follow Him and share this all-accepting love with others.
An elementary teacher of mine once said that if you start discriminating against someone for whatever reason, you ultimately open the door for discrimination against those you love or perhaps even yourself.
We all are unique, beautifully made beings who each have some gift to share with others. Like the flowers of the field, we are diverse and unique, but beautiful.
St. Andrew’s healing and reconciliation series continues May 25. We recognize the grievous past mistakes our forefathers made and acknowledge the trauma caused. We want to learn more and build relationships that are respectful and together we will build a better Canada.
We talk about housing and the need for a broad range of housing options in Barrie. The housing stock must be diverse and be expanded if more people are able to afford a place to call home. We also advocate for a range of support services that help those who face housing barriers – perhaps because of a lack of life skills or a struggle with behaviour that has caused them to be excluded.
We pray for supportive services, in-home and in a residential setting, for those who are frail elderly and those who have developmental challenges.
We look at each person and see someone Jesus loves.
How can you help relay that accepting and unconditional love to others?