God’s light and love are ours


The simple nativity scenes, the carols, the decorations and lights — it’s tempting to put them away now that Christmas has passed and we’re taking (or have taken) down the tree.

But the miracle still remains: God loves humankind so much, He became one of us.

That may not be a simple thought to wrap your head around, but its implications are incredible.

God understands. He understands our hopes, our dreams, our griefs and our frustrations.

For some of us, the long dark days are challenging. The damp cold cuts to our bones. In a few weeks, the bills  – the reality of all that spending – will remind us how limited our resources are.

This time of year – when the days are shortest in our northern hemisphere – can be very dark indeed.

But God offers to walk with us. He comes to our rescue.

He brings light – which is stronger than the darkness.

He brings life that is stronger than death and grief.

He brings love that is stronger than hate and ambivalence.

This incredible gift is wrapped up in a promise for you.  Accept it. Use it. Change your day and make Barrie and our world warmer and brighter.

See more on our YouTube channel at  https://youtu.be/mLswWWykkCg

All the best for this new year.