Waiting to see the risen Lord


The brass and the trumpets, the triumphant hymns and hand bells were all part of our celebration of our Lord’s resurrection today.

There is indeed incredible hope and joy in knowing that after He suffered and died, Jesus rose again.

The past week has been one of incredible emotion and some call last Sunday, Passion Sunday. As we journeyed together, we experienced highs and lows, but in our time, we knew full well the story would end as Jesus brings us new life.

But let’s rewind and slow down a bit. The women who went to the tomb where Jesus was laid were worried about how they’d roll away the stone. They were wrapped in their grief and loss and they wanted to do what their culture and religion required them to do: anoint the body with spices. They were greeted by angels, who told them Jesus was alive, and off they ran to tell others. It is easy, and often convenient, to stop here.

But let’s linger at the tomb with Mary Magdalene, who was still in tears and feeling oh so alone.

Let’s contemplate the grief, the sorrow, the feelings of a future lost (or so it seemed).

How human is this?!

There are families who have recently learned a loved one has incurable cancer.

There are those who may be facing challenging economic realities and who struggle to keep the basics on the table, let alone the feast our culture tells them is appropriate for the day.

There are those who are still in lockdown because the last wave of Covid entered their residence and therefore they can’t see family or friends, except perhaps by Facetime.

There are those who have lost family members, with this being the first Easter without the traditional dinner and time together. Some may feel cut off from loved ones, because of the choices they made, good or bad, necessary or unnecessary.


We join Mary as she lingers a little longer at the tomb and contemplates the loss of what she, and we, dreamed life would be like.

But in being fully human, Jesus understands our sorrow.

And as we wait for Him, we know He will call our names, as a shepherd cares for his sheep.



Peace is not the absence of sorrow or challenge or trial. Peace is having Jesus with us.

He is not in the tomb. He is alive and He waits for you and for me. Let us turn and see His face and follow Him. Let us share with those who linger at the tomb in their struggle and sorrow and help them to wait upon the Lord.

His goodness and His gifts are for all of us.


Join us on the journey in our worship at https://youtu.be/UAZDSI4UYi4