So how do we journey with Jesus during Lent?
Do we imagine what He faced as He ventured into the wilderness and what was ahead – death on a cross?
On Ash Wednesday, do we consider what our mortality – our being dust – means about how we want to live each day and ensure we leave our world better for our having been here.
Some Christians – disciples of Christ – choose a discipline: some fast, some give up something they really enjoy (chocolate perhaps?), while others adopt a discipline, something to explore on their journey.
Fasting is trendy, it seems. Glance at social media or on magazine covers (print or virtual) and you’ll see lots written about fasting or intermittent fasting as a way to control weight. But a spiritual discipline takes a different approach; it asks “Is this something I need or something I want?”
Maybe it means choosing to explore God’s grace and what impact that could have on our lives and those around us.
If you’re free Tuesdays at noon, you could join in a Zoom study on the Grace of Les Miserables, a study we’re doing with our neighbours from downtown churches. Here’s a video that could tell you more https://youtu.be/J6IMHZ_hs_U
Contact our church office at 705-728-3991 to find out more and get the link to the zoom meeting that begins March 8.
It’s a step on a journey, in a creative exploring group that will surely offer you fellowship.