Welcome to the life,
work and witness of...
St. Andrew's Barrie

47 Owen St., Barrie, ON
705-728-3991 Our Minister
Put Your Faith Into Action Put your faith into action today and let your actions
be fueled by your faith.
Please Donate
Rev. Joanne Lee St. Andrew's


She has seen how God leads us and sustains us. Our Minister
Put Your Faith Into Action Put your faith into action today and let your actions
be fueled by your faith.
The church is a people! How true! Those are the words to a song we
enjoy singing at St. Andrews.
Please Donate

Worship with us on Sunday – anytime after 10am on Youtube
47 Owen St. Barrie, ON       705-728-3991


Jesus praying

Every Sunday morning at 10 a.m., through music and song, prayer, preaching and study, we share the biblical story of God’s love for all the world as revealed in Jesus Christ. Week by week, we faithfully and joyfully gather to lift up our hearts.

Church Mission


We are a welcoming and compassionate Christ-centered community of faith, seeking to inspire, involve and empower people to discover their purpose through fellowship, study and service.



Nursery, Church School, Bible Studies, Women’s, Missionary Society, Pastoral Care Team, Youth Group Summer Vacation Bible Camp, Music, Out of the Cold Program, Mission & Outreach, Art Guild. Call for more information.

Latest Service

“Where Do We Put Our Trust?”

By Rev. Joanne Lee, 16 February 2025 12:20 pm


“As an inclusive, affirming congregation, we honour the diversity of God’s creation. Our community is richer when we include people of all ages, gender identities, racial and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, abilities, economic circumstances and family configurations.

We seek to provide a safe space so that each person can bring every aspect of their whole self into participation within this congregation. We invite all to join into the life, leadership, witness and ministry of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Barrie.”

Adopted by the Session of St. Andrew’s, December 2020.

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News - Announcements - Events


VBS 2021

Welcome to 2021’s Vacation Bible Camp — Our Daily Bread: Where God Provides.

We will explore stories about food and experience how God provides food for the world and uses us to help Him.

RSVP by July 14 to receive your kit of supplies to get in on the action in your kitchen. The experiences will be posted on St. Andrew’s YouTube channel July 19 to 23.

Call the church office at 705-728-3991 or email info@standrewsbarrie.ca

Honouring the Children: Reconciliation and Residential Fund 

In response to the devastating confirmation of unmarked graves on the grounds of former residential schools, and in honour of the children who were lost and all people living with the consequences of that legacy, The Presbyterian Church in Canada has established the Honouring the Children: Reconciliation and Residential Schools Fund.

This fund will support initiatives associated with searches for unmarked burial sites in communities where schools were operated by The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

To begin, the church has committed $1 million from national funds, and invites congregations and individuals to make additional contributions to this important work.

Welcome to St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Barrie. This is an active congregation with plenty of opportunities for growth and sharing. Be sure to connect with us regularly and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or ideas you may have.